The Beginner’s Guide to Writing an Essay | Steps & Examples

Essay: 9 Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay with Steps

Hey mates! Struggling with your academic essays? I have prepared some amazing tips and guides to help beginners navigate through this challenging phase. Today, I will tell you step by step with examples of how to write a good essay and impress your professors. It’s like making a flavorful dish. Each step is an important ingredient in this recipe. So, you must ensure that you carefully follow my essay recipe and add every flavor in the right quantity and at the right time to ace your academics.

So, let’s start making this delightful dish for your professors!

Read your Instructions Carefully

Before starting your assignment, read through the instruction manual carefully. This is your roadmap in this journey of essay writing. Therefore, you must ensure that you clearly understand what is expected from you in this essay. Clearly read all the instructions. Whether formatting or referencing, you must understand every instruction clearly. Sometimes, one instruction contains two or more instructions. You must look out for such instructions. Hence, you can breakdown your instructions into small parts for convenience.

For example, if the instruction manual states, “What is the organization? And what are its types?”

Then you must break it down like:

  1. What is organization.
  2. Write types of organization.

This will make your requirements easy to understand and, hence, make your life easier!

Brainstorm your Ideas

Now, it’s time to brainstorm your ideas. Don’t just stop your idea but let them flow. Write down all the points and ideas that appear in your mind after learning the topic. It’s like putting your ideas into the canvas. Just keep noting it down until you are out of ideas and points. This is very important; you get the foundation of your essay from this step. So, don’t miss this one here.

After brainstorming your ideas, you got a handful of ideas. Now look for the most relevant ones and pick up the main ones for your essay. This is what lays the basis of your essay.

Research, Research, Research

So we are done with brainstorming now, and we know what we want. So, let’s start researching about it! Focus on your key points and start researching them one by one. There are numerous sources from where you can get information for your essay. You can explore libraries or can get data online. You can find numerous research papers, articles, or publications for your topic if you look at the right place. But remember! only use data from reliable and authentic sources as the internet is full of rubbish and fake information.

Make your Essay Outline

Now, prepare an outline for your essay. Structure your essay in a professional manner. Start with an interesting introduction leading to body paragraphs. The body should include all the key points with strong arguments supporting your point. Each paragraph should be clear and concise, representing only one point at a time. Then, Finally, a conclusion for your essay. Your essay conclusion should be strong and end with all the key points that you have mentioned in your essay. All set for now! Let’s move to the next step.

Prepare a Draft

Now we have the key points, our information and the outline of the essay. It’s time to put all the ingredients together in your recipe. Draft out your essay. Put everything together in a smooth manner. Hence, you must make sure that one para opens the door to the next para. Hence, add all the necessary information here. Make sure that everything you write is clear and concise.

Review and Proofread

Phew! Everything has gone smoothly till now. Your first draft is now ready. Now, it’s time to check for any mistakes or errors in your text. A small grammar mistake or even a spelling mistake can make your essay look bad. Hence, don’t let small mistakes ruin your efforts. Ensure that your content in relevant with the topic and everything is clear and concise.

Add References and Citations

Don’t forget to add proper citations and references into your essay. Usually it is included at the end of your essay. You must always give credit to people whom work you have used. Hence, it ensures the reliability and authenticity of your essay. Check your essay requirements to see which referencing style to add.


Tadaa! We are done. Let’s add some special touches to your essay to make it look professional. Formatting your essay gives it a professional touch and leaves a lasting impression on your professors. Remember, always check for any special instructions regarding formatting provided in your manual. Generally, it is advisable to use readable font and size like Times New Roman with 12 font size. Add double spacing and format the whole document in a coherent manner.

Seek Out Assistance

Always look out for a second opinion for your essay. You can ask your friends or professors to give it a read and give their feedback. They might be able to point out mistakes that we missed. So, it’s a good strategy to Proofread your assignment to its best.

And if you are still confused and need some professional help or advice, then you can reach out to Essay Writing Service. They are your ultimate writing partner. Whether you need help writing your assignment or you want to add professional formatting to it, They know everything and are professionals in their work! So, worry not and just hand over your requirements to them; you will get a final essay before your deadline.


In short! Writing a professional essay is a big deal. But with small details and splendid research, you can write a professional essay yourself. Even a beginner is able to craft a professional essay by following our useful tips. Remember! Make everything clear and concise, and always check for any mistakes or errors in your essays. With continuous practice, you will be able to ace your academics. Hence, always keep those tips in mind when crafting your essay to ensure its success.

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